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The future of coding - 2020 and beyond

If there is one thing that moves faster than time, it’s progress in the world of technology. New innovations, updates, processes, and ways of doing things appear at every moment. The new technology of today quickly becomes old news. But what about coding? Coding has to move quickly to keep up to date with the solutions it is required to find. Here is some predictions about the future of coding over the next few years.

1. A universal language
There are hundreds, if not thousands of different coding languages out there. Programmers start by learning one and then branch out and learn others that are suited to their area of expertise. In the future, it is likely we will see the development of a universal language that will encompass all of the characteristics and functions found in an individual language. This language is needed to harmonize all the different work that a programmer does in their daily life. Hopefully, it will result in fewer bugs and increased levels of automation.
2. AI will dominate but not replace
AI is already beginning to infuse itself in the developer’s toolkit. For example, Microsoft has added an AI platform into their Windows 10 update so that all developers developing for it will be able to utilize pre-trained machine learning models. Other applications have been developed that act as search engines for coding, allowing developers to just enter a keyword and then find the Java code that will help them with the task they are working on. But don’t worry, it’s unlikely that AI will replace developers. Instead, it will enhance their efficiency and working capabilities.
3. Developers will embrace data
Future computer programmers will have to increase their skill set to include data analysis. Statistical data analysis, non-linear and linear data analysis, machine learning, and yes, AI will all be skills that are required in the near future. This data will be used to enhance their understanding of tasks, as well as to complete them more quickly.
4. Coding will be part of the curriculum
Computer programming will become a core part of education, along with maths, science, and languages. Every professional career of the future will require proficiency in coding as well as data analysis, machine learning, and other kinds of tech. While some schools are already teaching coding to youngsters, it does not form a part of the mandated syllabus. This is likely to change in the next few years as it becomes an essential skill for the future job market.
These are just some of the key predictions that we think will start to impact coding and programming in the next few years. Of course, in such a fluid and dynamic industry, this could all change by next week, so stay tuned for further updates!
How Coding Is Impacting the Future of Technology

Coding: It’s what’s for dinner. OK, maybe it’s not for dinner, but it might be responsible for cooking your dinner. Today, you can dump ingredients into a crock-pot before you leave the house and start it up from anywhere your smartphone has a connection, so it’s ready and warm when you arrive, famished. To make that happen, we begin with a single line of code.

Technology is Developing and Coding is the Foundation
Technologies we never thought possible, and those we have yet to imagine, will be driven by code. Coding is impacting the future of technology and subsequently, our daily lives in ways we’re only beginning to understand.

“Coding is the groundwork and foundation of all different types of technology. Whether it is UX/UI, project management, business analysis, etc., coding will have a part in play,” says Morgan Walker, MS, Manager of Employer and Industry Engagement at Eleven Fifty Academy. “Technology is ALWAYS developing, and coding is not going anywhere! If anything, it will only start to get more prevalent in our daily lives.”

Coding Moves the Technology Revolution Forward
We are in the infancy of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, Internet of Things (IoT), and automation. Coding will nurture these technologies from bottle to solid food.

For example, the ubiquitous Cloud is growing and advancing. That translates into dramatic shifts and growth potential for coding. It’s the coders and programmers harnessing the IoT revolution to improve response times, build better applications, and scale their ability to work.

Databases of code can be found in the Cloud, eliminating the need to write every line of code that a program or technology needs to operate proficiently. The Cloud’s ability to store an enormous amount of data means that coding is increasingly accessible. Subsequently, coders can work faster and address other aspects of the technology to enrich our experiences as users.

Let Coding do the Heavy Lifting
We mentioned the crock-pot earlier, but take a moment to think of the things you can control from your smartphone and other devices. Coding is pushing the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) so you can set and program your thermostat from afar. You can move money from your checking to your savings thanks to code.

Coding is also at the heart of understanding how you prefer technology to operate. The driver inside your head doesn’t have to think when it has too much on its plate, in other words, coding lets the technology do the thinking and the work.

Emerging Technologies Rely on Code
Time may move quickly, but the development of technology advances at an even more rapid pace. For example, autonomous vehicles were merely a dream a decade ago. Today, all of the major auto companies around the globe are testing them. The engineers are critical to this process. Still, the programmers are the ones programming the vehicle to respond to road conditions, to engage the windshield wipers, to use the turn signal, or to make an emergency stop. Which manufacturer will win the race to build the first street-ready autonomous vehicle? Perhaps it will be the one with the best team of coding professionals.

The accessibility and availability of virtual reality continues to improve and it’s changing the way gamers play and how businesses connect with consumers. This is made possible by a programmer’s ability to simplify writing the code that powers the technology.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is maturing beyond the machines on the factory line into automated commands stored in your computer. Thanks to coding, AI is capable of making a complex process as simple as pushing a button.

Latest Technology from 2020: Meet Future Technology in 2050
Cloud programming and smart, interconnected devices are the cutting-edge of consumer technology today. But even more emerging technologies are starting to manifest that will shape the future of technology for the next thirty years. Here are some of the industries that will be completely transformed by tech in 2050, and some predictions about how:

Energy: The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts that half or more of the planet’s energy will come from renewable resources like solar, wind, thermal, and natural gas, by 2050. Technology will play a vital role in both planning and executing easy and profitable transitions across all economic sectors.

Agriculture: By 2050, humanity will need anywhere from 25-70% more food than we currently consume. At the same time, agriculture must adapt to a changing climate, meaning smart technologies and the Internet of Things will be leveraged to balance increasing food demand with the needs of the environment in real-time.

Architecture: Massive reinvestments in smart infrastructure like sewer, storm drainage, and electrical will reshape many cities behind-the-scenes by 2050. Additionally, architects of 2020 are already being encouraged to “future-proof” structures like parking garages in anticipation they may be obsolete by 2050 when cities are denser and fossil fuels are falling out of use.

Flight and Travel: Some sources predict that by 2050, humans will have established a permanent colony on the Moon, Mars, or both. But space flight is just the farthest-reaching manifestation of travel technology in 2050. Self-driving vehicles should be common by this point, and many high-speed, energy-efficient rail projects are also projected to be completed to reduce the emissions from air travel.

Healthcare: Everything from robotics to genetics and virtual reality is predicted to make an impact on healthcare. Small drones may be able to come to our homes to take blood and tissue samples—if they aren’t implanted in us to begin with. Handheld devices like MRI scanners allow patients to teleconference with specialists at a fraction of the cost. Devices like prosthetics and artificial joints will be able to collect data to perform better and warn about failures in advance.

Fashion: It isn’t just shopping that is being transformed by technology, but fashion itself. 3D printing is projected to transform fashion to be more sustainable, personalized, and functional. Instead of washing clothes, what if you just threw them in the 3D printer and came up with something totally new? Some fabrics may even be grown from microbes in the home.

Education: By 2050, it is predicted that 90% or more of higher education will take place online. Immersive virtual environments will mean the structure of learning itself will move beyond the classic lecture-and-test setup to admit every learning style and provide a customized experience. Even the division between subjects into different classes may begin to dissolve as knowledge is viewed more comprehensively.

Media and Communication: By 2050, many big media conglomerates may no longer exist as media consumption becomes more personalized and fragmented across social media. Devices like smartphones (and whatever comes after them) will continue to grow with artificial intelligence and be connected to an increasing number of other devices around us.

These technology future predictions might seem far-fetched in some places, but they are united by the progress of technologies that are already booming today—artificial intelligence, sensors and the Internet of Things, and cloud connectivity. Remember that in 1990, the first web browser was launched. In just 30 years since then, technology has advanced exponentially, and that growth power only increases with each innovation we make today, tomorrow, and the day after that.

How Coding For Kids Plays a Part
As smart devices and cloud connection become an increasing part of daily life on Earth, coding and programming is evolving from an optional field of study into a basic literacy. Teaching today’s children to code is on par with teaching them to read and speak in their native language. Without coding skills, they may not be able to communicate with the devices and tools that make the world around them function.

Teaching children to code is also a part of handing over the reins and responsibility for the future. A child born today will be reaching age 30 in 2050, meaning this generation is poised to inherit the environmental, infrastructure, and population challenges facing humanity that can only be solved through technology. Perhaps this is why 90% of parents today want their children to study computer science—because they don’t want to see their offspring left out of the conversation.

Future ideas that will change the world are going to come from the adults of the future. As children are born into and grow up immersed in the complexities and potential of technology, they will understand the possibilities. Far beyond the days of teens teaching adults to use webcams and smartphones, technology is already empowering kids who can code to solve problems for their communities.

Future Technologies That Will Change The World Need Coders
Some have started to predict that the future of coding is no coding at all. This is because tools to build software are expected to progress beyond the writing of line-by-line instructions for the computer, to drag-and-drop tools that allow anyone to create software.

While these tools will certainly democratize the building of software, coding will still be necessary. Not only will software developer jobs be the ones creating and maintaining the drag-and-drop tools, a knowledge of code will also empower innovation outside the scaffold that others create. Using a set of provided tools, future innovators without an understanding of one or more coding languages may ultimately be limited by the opportunities within drag-and-drop platforms. These tools will in fact automate the repeatable work, like creating an API or setting up a virtual server. But if you want to create something that’s never been done before, you won’t find the tools ready-made in a code library.

“Coding: The Essential Skill of the Technology Era”

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, coding has emerged as a crucial skill that transcends boundaries and industries. From powering websites and mobile apps to driving automation and artificial intelligence, coding is the backbone of modern technology. In this blog, we’ll explore why coding has become an indispensable skill in the technology era and why learning to code is a wise investment in one’s future.

Coding Powers Innovation

Coding is the language of innovation. It empowers individuals and businesses to turn their creative ideas into tangible solutions. In the technology era, innovation is not limited to a specific sector but permeates every facet of our lives. Whether it’s developing new software applications, designing user-friendly websites, or implementing automation in manufacturing, coding plays a pivotal role in transforming concepts into reality.

Coding Enhances Problem-Solving

Coding fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Writing code requires breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable components and devising logical solutions. This skill set extends far beyond the computer screen, enabling individuals to approach real-world challenges with a systematic and analytical mindset. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt and solve problems efficiently is invaluable.

Coding Fuels Career Opportunities

The demand for coding skills has skyrocketed across various industries. From software development and data analysis to cybersecurity and digital marketing, coding is a sought-after skill that opens doors to diverse career opportunities. Many high-paying jobs require proficiency in coding, making it a lucrative field for those who invest in their coding education.

Coding Nurtures Digital Literacy

In an era where digital technology pervades every aspect of our lives, digital literacy is non-negotiable. Learning to code not only equips individuals with the ability to understand and interact with technology effectively but also empowers them to contribute to its evolution. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a retiree, digital literacy through coding is an investment that pays dividends.

Coding Encourages Lifelong Learning

Technology is in a constant state of flux, with new languages, frameworks, and tools emerging regularly. Learning to code isn’t just about mastering a specific language; it’s about cultivating a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation. The coding community is vast and supportive, offering resources and mentorship to help individuals stay updated and connected in the ever-changing tech world.

In conclusion, coding has evolved from being a niche skill to a fundamental literacy of the technology era. Its impact transcends industries, fostering innovation, problem-solving abilities, and career growth. Whether you aspire to become a software developer, a data scientist, or simply want to navigate the digital world with confidence, learning to code is your passport to success in today’s technology-driven era. So, why wait? Start your coding journey today and embrace the limitless possibilities that await you in the world of technology. ©2024

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